Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday and some memes

What I'm thankful for today:

My dad, who is willing to help me financially so I can get this divorce shit over with. His exact words were: "This is going to be a long court battle, and I have more money than him." Thanks, Dad.

My aunt, who has helped me enormously with her financial advise. She's a financial adviser specializing in divorce.

This blog, where I can air out my grievances and curse at will (I'm trying to clean up my language at home, since my kids have fucking freaking radar ears).

Leaving work at 4 so I can get one measly hour with my girls Wednesday and Thursday before their dad comes to pick them up. We squeeze in a lot in that hour.

Wine. Red wine.

And now my memes for today

Hell. Yes.

And this one, cause I'm feeling positive today:

And with that, I'm out. Have a good day.