So I just came across the above meme. It made me think of my situation (shocking, I know).
When ex and I first separated, and for many months after, I sometimes would make a point not to look too nice when I saw him at exchanges with the girls.
Well, I didn't want to look like I was thriving or happier or otherwise quickly moving on. There was a lot of guilt associated with the decision to divorce, and I didn't want to make him feel worse. So I'd do things like put on my new dress or nice makeup after I saw him.
Fast forward to now.
Ex seems to have it in his head that he's Mr. Winner in this whole divorce and that I (and my mom, who the girls and I live with) am struggling right now. He said he feels bad for me. Like I'm something to be pitied because I live with my mom and don't earn $1 million a year.
Oh, how wrong you are, sir.
The fact is, I am without things I would like at this age, like my own house, namely.
But I have gained so much in this divorce and learned more about how to make myself happy than I ever could have otherwise.
So now that meme rings true. Not only am I proud of how well I'm doing, I have no qualms anymore about showing it. My life is harder, but much happier on the whole.
I call that a success.